Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Interview and Sources

For my interview that I will use in my paper, I interviewed Bailey Heaton, a student at the University of Iowa who is studying accounting. She had a leadership position and internship and McGladery this past summer, and was offered a full time position out of college. To first start out the interview, I just started with a few ice breaker questions, including why she wanted to go into accounting, and then proceeded to more in depth questions. I began asking more questions related to writing in the accounting field and she informed me that a lot of the writing she does includes memos and argumentative papers. All the classes she is in requires papers. She communicates with a lot of people, especially in groups. Bailey also said that when her audience changes, her tone does not really change because usually all of the information portrayed is similar. Also, Bailey informed me that it is more beneficial to collaborate with others to somewhat feed off of others ideas and their opinions. She doesn't read other peoples writings other than financial reports. She is also pretty connected to the business and accounting field because she reads currents news updates to see what's going on in the world and how things are constantly changing. I asked her if she had any tips for me when writing accounting reports, and she said that thesis of your paper is very important and has to be hit off with a good start. Also, make sure that the paper or report is well constructed and looks professional. We had a very good interview and I'm glad she could help me get more of a feel for the accounting field.

For the sources I am using in my report, they are all fairly similar in all the rhetorical situation aspect. They are all memos that I found online using the UIowa Libraries databases. Just scrolling through them, they all have very similar structures. They are not all the exact same, but very similar. Some of them have double columns on the pages, whereas the other one just has the whole page being used. Since they are all related to accounting, they have similarly the same audience and purpose. Obviously they are not exactly the same, but they are related to each other and would be beneficial for anyone in the accounting field to take interest or read them. Using these memos in my report will help prove that there are different ways to organize writings in accounting, but also shows how similar they can be with similarly the same purpose and audiences. They all had cover pages as well to start off with title, author, and other basic information.

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