Monday, August 31, 2015

Informational Report

In our Informational Report, the rhetorical situation is very important to help and explain the ideas of my future profession. The purpose of this report will be to explain the discipline in our future profession and what it is like. High school students are the audience because they will be reading the articles and critiquing if they would like that profession or not. Since it is based off an interview and written sources, the genre is an informational report. The stance of my report would be honest and confident because the information I am receiving is from a personal interview and reliable sources. Also, the media is a written report.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Analysis of High School Paper

During my junior year of high school, I was enrolled in an AP Language and Composition class that was offered. Our last writing assignment of the year was to write a personal statement.. Right away with brainstorming, the rhetorical situation influenced the way I had to write my paper. So, the purpose of my essay was to inform the audience of my life and the past experiences that I have been through, and how I have conquered through them and succeeded. "I have become a better person, learning throughout the years to be happy with what life has given to me." I put this into my paper because throughout the tough times in my life, I truly am grateful for the life I live. This also relates to the stance of my paper, which has a grateful and optimistic attitude about the negatives in my life and how I overcame them with a positive attitude. Since this paper was an assignment in one of my classes, it was obvious to me knowing who would be reading and grading my essay. My teacher had given us a rubric to follow along with so I knew what she was grading on and what she wanted to read about. "Working, playing sports, being involved in clubs, have combined to make me a strong leader, more outgoing, and confident in the way I go about life." Since I included that in my essay, my audience would be able to realize that it's an expository piece of writing, specifically an autobiography and essay. The medium is a nonverbal way of communication because I wrote it and someone will personably be reading it.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015